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Experience Sharing of Technology Applied in Fabricated Housing by Hengtong

On May 31st, Hengtong Tech Co. Ltd., held the “Experience Sharing of Hengtong Liberia Fast and Low Cost Housing for Assembly House”, attended by over 50 technicians and extension personnel of the construction industry from China and Africa.

This meeting was organized in background of completion of the South-South Development project named “promoting Fabricated Housing in Liberia”, and aimed to share and exchange the unique housing technology applied in the project.

According to the Chief Engineer, Hengtong Tech is the first batch of National Industrial Base of Prefabricated Construction, and by now it has built 6 production bases in China. What’s more, Hengtong has promoted its products in southeast Asia, Africa, Australia, America and so on.

China Africa Business Council, as the pusher of application and implementation of this project, was invited to attend and speak in the meeting. As the Deputy Secretary General of CABC put, 3 South-South Development projects have already been jointly applied and complimented with the member units of CABC, that is “Promoting Up-dated Dubbing Skills in Tanzania”, “promoting Fabricated Housing in Liberia” and “Industrial Construction in Ethiopia”; CABC will continue to work with the UN South-South Cooperation Office to get more projects started.

visiting Hengtong Intelligent Factory

Product Components Exhibition Hall

Model Houses 

In the afternoon, all participants went to the Research and Production Base of Hengtong in Doudian and visited the Intelligent Factory, the Product Components Exhibition Hall and the Model houses.

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