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The 2024 China-Africa Internet Development and Cooperation Forum was held in Xiamen

The 2024 China-Africa Internet Development and Cooperation Forum was successfully held on April 2nd in Xiamen, Fujian Province. Zhuang Rongwen, Director of the China Internet Network Information, and Zhou Zuyi, Secretary of the Fujian Provincial Party Committee and Director of the Provincial People's Congress Standing Committee, delivered important speeches respectively at the opening ceremony. Zhuang Rongwen emphasized President Xi Jinping's concept of friendly policies towards Africa and called for further strengthening exchanges and cooperation in cyberspace between China and Africa. Zhou Zuyi stated that President Xi Jinping attaches great importance to China-Africa relations and proposed strategies for deepening cooperation. Representatives from Africa expressed gratitude to China for hosting the forum and looked forward to further deepening mutually beneficial cooperation between China and Africa, especially in the digital field. The forum featured multiple sub-forums focusing on topics such as building digital innovation partnerships and sharing opportunities for digital economic development, attracting around 400 representatives from China, 20 African countries, as well as international organizations, universities, and research institutions. Additionally, the forum will release 《2024 China-Africa Internet Development and Cooperation Forum

Chair´s Statement on China-Africa Cooperation on AI》, further propelling China-Africa digital cooperation into a new stage.
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