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【Events】Nanchong Governmental Delegation Visited Angola

From November 5 to 7, the Vice-Chairman of China-Africa Business Council and Chairman of Hasan Group Mr. Zheng Gang visited Angola as invited by the organizer of Nanchong municipal government delegation.


The delegation aimed to get an idea of the direction of Angolan economic development, form a better relationship with Bengo Province and get know of the business operation environment of Nanchongnese in Angola.


On November 6, the whole delegation visited 2 project sites of Hasan Group, namely, the municipal infrastructure construction project and the fisheries economic development zone in Bengo Province.


In the meeting with the government of Bengo Province, the governor, Ms. Mara Quiosa extended her warm welcome to the delegation and she put that Bengo is rich with natural resources and welcomes Chinese industries to invest in it. She also emphasized that the government will best support the economic development zone project by Hasan Group to attract more fisheries related enterprises to settle in the industrial zone.

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