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CABC's Cooperation with the UN

In 2004, the then Secretary-General of the United Nations Kofi Annan visiting China, he proposed the initiation of a project dedicated to China-Africa cooperation and thus was born CABC. China-Africa Business Council (CABC) was founded in 2006 first as an initiative of the UNDP and the Chinese government, then later as an Africa-focused chamber of commerce. Since its establishment, CABC has been cooperating closely with UN and other agents thanks to its root related to the UN.

CABC’s efforts and contributions have been appreciated and acknowledged by the UN partners and CABC obtained the Special Consultative Status in ECOSOC and General Observer Status in UNCTAD in 2017.

I.CABC’s UN partners

CABC works with the UN and other agents closely, especially UNIDO, UNDP, UNOSSC, UNFPA, UNAIDS and UNICEF to promote China-Africa cooperation which aligns with UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

II.CABC’s main areas of cooperation with the UN agencies: 3 areas

1.CABC’s South-South Cooperation Department

CABC endeavors to promote the South-South cooperation in the framework given by UN Office for South-South Cooperation. CABC has conducted several projects under the GSSDC (Global South-South Development Center) and the Pérez-Guerrero Trust Fund for South-South Cooperation (PGTF). CABC’s South-South Cooperation training and report projects which were highlighted in UNOSSC’s “Good practices in South-South and Triangular Cooperation for Sustainable Development”, are in support of SDG 9, 11 and 16. The most recent project is our Corporate Social Responsibility Report

2.CABC’s China-Africa Health Industry Alliance (CAHIA)

CABC launched its very first health committee under the name of China-Africa Health Industry Alliance (CAHIA) in June 2018 which is a health sector manufacturer owned organization that serves as a stakeholder platform dedicated to transforming the field of China-Africa health exchange through technological innovations and public-private partnerships. The committee has worked very closely with UNAIDS through their efforts to engage the Chinese private sector in local production of medicines in Africa

3.CABC’s Public Benefit Department

CABC founded the “Increasing Love for Decreasing AIDS Fund” under the China Social Assistance Foundation. This fund aims to help African women and children living with HIV. The fund has cooperated with UNAIDS quite closely as well and has partnered with the First Ladies Organization for Development (OAFLAD) and funded several of their projects

Moreover, CABC launched The Public Benefit International Challenge for Youth (PBIC) in 2017. The final competition takes place every summer and has attracted more than 380 schools and 1400 students have participated, raising more than $286,000 and attracting over 32 million people’s attention. CABC has partnered closely with the UNAIDS, UNICEF and UNFPA through this initiativive.

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